
God’s Word

Image of Succulent - ALDS

What do you value more than God?


“The human heart hates a vacuum. We never merely leave God because we value him little; we always exchange God for what we value more. We see this in verses 22-23:”Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the…

Picture for Truth over Clarity Devotion

Trust over Clarity


  STUDY “Hosea is one of the most shocking tales in all of Scripture: A prohet marries a whore. Despite his love and faithfulness to her, she cheats on him and returns to her life of prostitution. When she is…

Eat What is Good Image

Your Spiritual Life


“What’s the answer? What’s the question? Every advertiser and marketing executive and salesperson in the world is focused on one overriding question: What do people want? They spend their energy and time and money trying to figure you out so…
