

Fall floral

Journal of the Day


It’s probably weird to share what I wrote in my journal this morning, but I sense that maybe someone out there could relate. You know when you are going through things and the Enemy immediately tries to make you feel isolated?

Image of Gardener - ALDS

Jesus Bore Your Shame


The apostle Paul teaches in Ephesians 5 that bringing what’s hidden in the dark – our secrets of shame – into the light, into God’s merciful presence, is how they lose their power over us. God’s light is tender, not…

Anchor Image by Ashley Lauren

Sometimes Anchors are Good


  “Ever been called a “boat anchor,” i.e., a dead weight that’s holding back someone else’s dreams? There’s always somebody in every organization who is a buzzkill, a complainer and foot-dragger, forever draining energy from the group. In that sense…
