Image of Gardener - ALDS

The apostle Paul teaches in Ephesians 5 that bringing what’s hidden in the dark – our secrets of shame – into the light, into God’s merciful presence, is how they lose their power over us.

God’s light is tender, not harsh. As you trust Him with your pain, He will gently shine His healing light on all your wounds. He is for you, not against you – and will never shame you or humiliate you (Romans 8:31). That kind of treatment is not in His nature. He is good, merciful, and kind. He didn’t cause your pain, but He’s ready to help you through it.

Jesus paid for your guilt and bore your shame. He carried it all on the cross. But there He left it!

Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection were more than enough for you – for all of us. When He emerged from that tomb, He was no longer clothed in the sin and shame of this world. Sin and its shame were left entombed. Conquered. Vanquished. Paid for. Redeemed by His blood sacrifice. It is finished. The blood of Jesus has healed you. The blood of Jesus has set you free.

Jesus was wounded for your healing; He bore your shame so you could live free.

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” Isaiah 53:5

When I read that first sentence, I can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratefulness. I’m thankful for communication and freedom to do so. Moreover, I’m moved and humbled that God would bear the weight for us. Burdens suck. No one likes to carry them. Let’s get uncomfortable and communicate what we need to communicate, with who we are supposed to communicate it to – today!


Taken from UNASHAMED – A ten day plan by Christine CaineYouVersion Bible App
