Ironically, my word for the year in 2020 is, “Freedom.” It’s funny, for obvious reasons, but it has also been my absolute, most impactful, “word of the year” I’ve ever had. It has stuck with me from the very beginning, and God has used it in so many ways…Freedom from expectations – whether from myself or others, freedom from past burdens, freedom from sins, insecurities, lies I believed…freedom to express myself in a more honest way, freedom to just be me.

We’ve experienced financial freedom in many areas because of a huge lifestyle change, moving from Tulsa to Arkansas. This has been the year of dreams coming true for us, in the most tangible and God-glorifying way. We live in a cabin in the woods, on 3 acres. We are all home, all day, everyday. Together. As a family. And still making a sustainable income BEYOND our wildest dreams. Guys, I prayed for all these things for YEARS. We prayed for a cabin in the woods since before we were married. We prayed for babies, and family growth starting four years ago. We prayed for smaller monthly bills to be able to bless others BIG. I used to pray that God would show us what business venture we could pursue, in order to be home together more. He showed Jake a job opportunity that eventually led to him working from home permanently. God is SO FAITHFUL.

It’s driven us to be WILDLY generous this year, in so many different ways. We’ve discovered “Giving” as on of our top Spiritual gifts. Knowing that, allows us to lean-in. It causes us to pray differently. More specifically. It allows us to dream bigger. It simply gives us FREEDOM. We’ve surrendered ourselves over and over this year as a family. We’ve questioned ourselves, and had tough conversations on who we are as The Snyder’s. Who are we now? Who do we want to become? Why did God bring us, Team Snyder, together? I could go on and on about what God has taught me this year. It’s so good. And as 2020 comes to a close, it only makes sense to allow myself the freedom from one last thing: social media.

Even saying that is freeing. I’ve been feeling it, and praying about it for a while, and now seems like the best time. I simply want to live. In the present. In the moment. With my husband, and my kids. Life without my phone by my side, and because I’m not even thinking about it, not because I’m trying to be intentional about it. We want to live slower, and more on purpose – the whole point of our move to the cabin. It forces you to live this beautiful lifestyle. It takes you back to your roots, and causes you to live so much more simply.

I’m excited. I’m a little sad. I’m nervous. I’ve held onto Instagram for a while now, hoping and dreaming about what my business could one day become. The employees I would hire. The opportunities I could create, in order to help other’s achieve their personal aspirations. The ability to change lives through art, clothing, design – whatever it may be. It’s simply a door that I’ve left cracked for too long, in fear of closing it all the way, and perhaps “losing” this piece of me. I always thought it would feel like the end, but now I’m realizing that this is just the beginning. This feels like the start of the climax in a movie when the music starts to play, and the main character gets to WORK. Except this time, I’m not going to strive. I’m not going to hustle. I’m simply going to hand over my life to God, once again, and allow Him to guide my next steps.

As of right here, and right now, I have the opportunity to directly impact 2 (almost 3!) people’s lives right inside my home. I have the opportunity to raise disciples. World changers! The next great hero, author, explorer, cook, scientist, or inventor! I’ve been given the blessing of a beautiful home to steward well, a husband to serve and love, and children to raise in a gentle, and life-giving environment. I do not take this job lightly, and I’m ready to really go all-in. This is where God has me today. And wow…this must be freedom.
“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. “
2 Corinthians 3:17
Love YOU.
I adore this. Excited for you guys!
Thank you so, so much, Kailee!
SO PROUD of you❣️
My heart is so full for you and the path you’ve chosen. ?
Love this for you and your family Ash. Always thinking and praying for you guys! You are such a light in this world ❤️✨