I was talking with Jake the other night about how I continually seem to get discouraged after studying/listening to/researching other mothers in/on their journeys of motherhood. A lot of times I walk away feeling incredibly inspired and motivated, which keeps me coming back. But lately, I’ve realized my go-to mamas are in a completely different season of motherhood than I am. While I still love to glean wisdom from them, I have to be realistic about the state that I’m in. Young motherhood, with babies and toddlers. The season where you just don’t have as much time to dream, create and inspire because you are all-hands-on-deck, all day, every day. It’s incredibly beautiful, but it’s also incredibly taxing, messy, confusing, mundane, joyful, and filled with “watch mommy”!
I love this season. Like, so much. There is nothing that has ever fulfilled me in my life as much as motherhood. It’s my absolute favorite job. It’s crazy to say, but I just feel like I was born for this. Not that I’m good at it, by any means, haha. Just that my heart is in a constant state of explosion. Like a volcano. I’m a walking volcano!
Anyways, this is basically just a note-to-self type thing. Stop looking at the homeschool mamas that are reading their children Pilgrim’s Progress all day, and just find joy in the fact that you don’t have to start homeschool yet, haha!

So, here’s my home at the end of our day on Tuesday. Because this is life right now, and it’s somehow super freaking cool to me. I want to remember these moments. I want to share them for the young mama with little babes that may, too, be feeling discouraged, or wishing she could commune with another mama living in the middle of the mess. It’s easy to listen to the seasoned mom say, “oh yes, the early throes of motherhood is really ________________.” But, to have real-life images and women in our season talking about the here and right-now could be really powerful. I’d read a post, watch a video or listen to a podcast from that mama! Which is the funny thing about it…those mamas don’t have the time or energy. 😉

Well, I guess this is permission to let our homes be what they are. The messes will come, and then we’ll clean them. That’s, that! Happy weekend!
Ps. I had a friend come over to my house one time and say, “moms don’t clean for moms.” I haven’t totally adopted it, but I thought it was brilliant.
Motherhood is such an incredible journey and gift♥️
Love this so much and you!
No matter HOW clean your house is, it will get messy again. Cleaning is a never ending job. But you get just a FEW YEARS with your babies!! So don’t worry about the house!! Soak up the snuggles!!!!
So true!! Thank you for the reminder!
My babies are all grown with grown babies of their own, but I still remember the frustration of trying to keep my house as perfect as possible. After all, I lived in an area where “Cleanliness was next to Godliness”. Wow, was it tough. I did learn that I needed to let go of my perfectionism and did learn how to find joy with my children in the midst of the mess,
Thank you so much for sharing, Carol! I can relate to this in a lot of ways. So glad you loved on your sweet littles in the midst of the mess! I believe that’s the best thing we can do! The mess can always be picked up, but our babies can’t!